"We are dreamers, shapers, singers and makers. We study the mysteries of laser and circuit, crystal and scanner. holographic daemons and invocations of equations. These are the tools we employ. and we know many things." (Babylon 5)
We came together as a group to share our experiences and inspirations from the music of Information Society. The collective was borne of the internet, each contributing their individuals talents of script, musical creation or graphical rendering. Throughout the years the sounds of Insoc have filled our lives in fundamental ways. We, the fans, have sought to not only express our gratitude and appreciation to Information Society, and Kurt in particular, we have absorbed the music and stamped our own unique interpretation of style onto this album.
We come from all around the globe, from varying background and lifestyles, united by a common factor. The music of Information Society has transcended barriers of both language and culture and we as a group are better from the association.
Each person on this album has a unique story as to how Information Society impacts their life. Not all of these are written, rather they are manifested in the songs themselves. The selections of the performers range across the many albums of Insoc, from the early synth-pop dance tunes of the group to the more recent somber explorations of a single member. The artist's choice of song reflects his or her personal taste and individual abilities.
We have sought to create a genuine tribute infused with sincere admiration from the hearts of loyal fans. With this understanding, we pass the album into your hands and hope that you too will feel an emotional connection to the music as well as a greater admiration for the talent that is Information Society.